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Energy Utilities

The energy sector in Germany is facing historically unprecedented challenges, and not just recently: Coal phase-out (Kohleverstromungsbeendigungsgesetz, KVBG), the reform of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) and the constantly changing market environment require not only a transformation of the corporate culture but also the development of new business areas and customer segments.

With our many years of experience in the areas of capital markets and energy trading, finance and treasury, as well as valuation and risk management, we are happy to support you in the challenges ahead. Our services range from the mathematical and statistical analysis of quantitative questions to the conception of data models and the concrete technical implementation of valuation models or procedures for risk measurement. You will always benefit from our cross-industry implementation expertise and our highly qualified and IT-savvy staff.


  • Valuation of real or virtual power plants, flexibilities and complex purchase and sales agreements (PPA)
  • Independent validation of valuation and risk models
  • Development and validation of analytical and forecasting models
  • Design, development and optimization of market data management systems
  • Derivatives trading and hedging strategies (commodity, interest rate and currency risks)